খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ

পারভেজ সেলিম

পারভেজ সেলিম ।।

হয়রত আবু বকর,‌ হয়রত উমর, হয়রত উসমান ও হয়রত আলী। এই চারজনকে বলা হয় খুলাফায়ে রাশেদিন। তারাই হচ্ছেন খলিফাদের মধ্যে শ্রেষ্ঠ। হয়রত  মুহাম্মাদের (সা.) মৃত্যুর পর ২৯ বছর ইসলামি রাষ্ট্রের ক্ষমতায় ছিলেন এই খলিফারা। শেষ নবী যেহেতু কাউকে মনোনিত করে যাননি এবং কিভাবে খলিফা নির্ধারিত হবেন তারও কোন সমাধান দিয়ে যাননি তাই বারবার ইসলামের উত্তরসুরি নির্ধারণে জটিলতা তৈরি হয়েছে।

সেই জটিলতার সমাধান হয়েছে রক্তাত্ব অধ্যায়ের মধ্যে দিয়ে। চার খলিফার মধ্যে তিন জনকেই হত্যা করা হয়েছে।

তৃতীয় খলিফা উসমানের হত্যাকান্ড এতটাই নৃশংস ছিল যে তার মৃত্যুর পর মুসলমানরা দ্বিধা বিভক্ত হয়ে পড়ে। শুরু হয় নিজেদের মধ্যেই যুদ্ধ। যাতে নিহত হয় ৯০ হাজার মুসলমান।

কিন্তু কেন, কারা, কিভাবে হত্যা করলো তৃতীয় খলিফা উসমানকে ? আর ইসলামের শুরুতেই কেন এমন নৃশংস আর রক্তাক্ত হত্যাকাণ্ড সংঘটিত হলো ?

উসমান হত্যাকান্ড (৬৪৪-৬৫৬ খ্রি.)

বিশেষ এক নির্বাচনের মাধ্যমে ইসলামের তৃতীয় খলিফা নির্ধারিত হন উসমান ইবনে আফফান। হয়রত উসমান ছিল শান্ত শিষ্ট নরম প্রকৃতির মানুষ। তিনি খলিফাদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বেশি সময় ক্ষমতায় ছিলেন। তার ১২ বছরের শাসনামলের শেষ দিকে বিদ্রোহ দানা বাধতে শুরু করে। শেষ পর্যন্ত এই বিদ্রোহ ভয়াবহ মর্মান্তিক ঘটনা মধ্যে দিয়ে শেষ হয়।৮০ বছর বয়সি  উসমানকে হত্যা করা হয় নির্মমভাবে।

হত্যার পর বিদ্রোহীরা তার লাশের সাথে যে নির্মম ব্যবহার করে তা ইসলামের ইতিহাসের সবচেয়ে বর্বরোচিত ঘটনা বলে মনে করা হয়। কারো কারো মতে কারবালার চাইতেও বেশি নিমর্মতা দেখানো হয়েছিল তৃতীয় খলিফার হত্যাকান্ডে।

৪০ দিন অবোরোধ রাখার পর খলিফার বাড়ির দরজায় আগুন ধরিয়ে দিয়েছিল বিদ্রোহীরা ।  বাড়ির তিনজন নিরাপত্তা রক্ষি নিহত হয়েছিল বিদ্রোহীদের পাথরের আঘাতে।বিদ্রোহীরা শেষ দিকে খলিফার পানি সরবরাহ পর্যন্ত দেওয়া বন্ধ করে দিয়েছিল।

খলিফা আবু বকরের ছেলে মুহাম্মাদ তিনজন বিদ্রোহীকে নিয়ে  খলিফা উসমানের বাড়িতে প্রথম প্রবেশ করেন । তখন কোরআন পড়ছিলেন বৃদ্ধ খলিফা। ঘরে ঢুকেই মুহাম্মাদ উসমানের দাঁড়ি ধরে টান দেন এবং গালিগালাজ করতে থাকেন।খলিফা মুহাম্মাদকে স্মরণ করিয়ে দেন যে তার বাবা ইসলামের প্রথম খলিফা আবু বকর এই কাজ দেখলে কতটা মর্মাহত হতেন। এতে মুহাম্মদ নিজের ভুল বুঝতে পেরে পিছু হটে যান। 

তখন অন্য বিদ্রোহীরা খলিফার মাথায় তিনটা আঘাত করেন এবং সাথে সাথেই  রক্ত গলগল করে বেয়ে পড়তে থাকে সামনে রাখা কোরআনের পাতায়। এরপর তলোয়ার দিয়ে খলিফাকে কোপ দেয় বিদ্রোহীরা, খলিফা হাত দিয়ে ঠেকাতে গেলে তার হাত কেটে যায়। এসময় উসমান বিদ্রোহীদের বলে ‘এইমাত্র তুমি যে হাতটিকে কেটে ফেললে সেই হাত দিয়েই প্রথম কুরআন লিখা হয়েছিল’ ।

স্ত্রী নাইলা খলিফাকে বাঁচতে এলে তলোয়ারের আঘাতে তার হাতের আঙ্গুলও কেটে যায়। খলিফা তরবারির আঘাতে মাঠিতে যখন লুটিয়ে পড়েন তখন এক বিদ্রোহী তার বুকের উপর দাঁড়িয়ে নয় বার বর্শা ঢুকিয়ে খলিফা উসমানের মৃত্যু নিশ্চিত করে।

যাবার সময় তার বাড়ি লুট করা হয়। এমনকি তার শরীরের কাপড় পর্যন্ত খুলে নিয়ে যায় বিদ্রোহীরা। তবু  বিদ্রোহীদের ক্ষোভ মিটেনি। উসমানকে তিন দিন দাফন না করে আবর্জনার ভাগাড়ে ফেলে রাখা হয়।

অবশেষে মহানবী পত্নী উম্মে হাবিবা মসজিদে নববীতে দাঁড়িয়ে ঘোষনা দেন ‘ যদি উসমানকে সমাহিত করতে না দেওয়া হয় তাহলে তিনি মাথার চুল উন্মুক্ত করে মদিনার রাস্তায় নেমে পড়বেন’। তার এই ঘোষণায় খুব দ্রুত কাজ হয়। বিদ্রোহীরা কিছুটা নমনীয় হন।

আনসারেরা কেউ জানায়া পড়াতে রাজি হননি প্রথমে। পরে উমাইয়া বিন আবি জাবি তার জানায়া পড়ান। তাকে জান্নাতুল বাকিতে দাফন করা হয়। কারো মতে হয়রত আলীর  পরামর্শে গোপনে তাকে দাফন করা হয়।

হযরত উসমান হত্যাকান্ডের সময়  হযরত আলী মদিনাতেই ছিলেন না। নিরপেক্ষতার কথা বলে বাকি সাহাবীরাও ঘরের দরজা বন্ধ করে ছিলেন। অনেকে মনে করেন প্রভাবশালী সাহাবীরা নিরপেক্ষ থাকার কথা বলে দুরে থাকায় বিদ্রোহীরা খলিফাকে হত্যা করার সাহস পেয়েছিল।

কি এত ক্ষোভ ছিল বিদ্রোহীদের ?

প্রশাসনিক দূর্বলতা ছিল উসমানের সবচেয়ে বড় দূর্বলতা। এছাড়া বিভিন্ন প্রদেশে নিজের পরিরারে সদস্যদের বড় বড় পদে বসিয়েছিলেন তিনি। স্বজনপ্রীতির অভিযোগে প্রধানত তার বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্রোহ দানা বাঁধতে শুরু করে ।

এই হত্যাকান্ডের পিছনে আরেকটি ঘটনা নিয়ামক হিসেবে কাজ করে । মুহাম্মদ ইবনে আবু বকরকে মিশরের গভর্নর হিসেবে নিযুক্ত করে পাঠান খলফা উসমান । কিন্তু পথে তারা জানতে পারেন মিশরে পৌঁছামাত্রই মুহাম্মদকে হত্যার আদেশ দিয়ে মিসরের বর্তমান গর্ভনরের কাছে গোপনে চিঠি পাঠিয়েছ খলিফা উসমান ।

এই গোপন চিঠি মুহাম্মাদের হাতে পড়ার পর তারা ক্রোধে উন্মাতাল হয়ে উসমানের কাছে মদিনায় ফিরে আসেন। খলিফা উসমান অস্বীকার করেন এই চিঠির কথা। পরে জানা যায়  উসমানের চাচাতো ভাই গোপনে এই চিঠি লিখে উসমানের সীল লাগিয়ে পাঠিয়ে দিয়েছিলেন।

মুহাম্মদ ও তার বিদ্রোহী গ্রুপ মারওয়ানকে তাদের হাতে তুলে দিতে বলেন। উসমান রাজি না হওয়ায় তারা উসমানের বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্রোহ শুরু করে। পরে এই বিদ্রোহীরাই হত্যা করে ইসলামের তৃতীয় খলিফাকে।

মুয়াবিয়া সেসময় দামেস্কের শক্তিশালী প্রশাসক ছিলেন। চাইলে তিনি খলিফাকে রক্ষা করতে পারতেন। তিনিও স্বপ্ন দেখছিলেন উসমানের মৃত্যুর পর ইসলামের খলিফা হবেন। তাই ৪০ দিন অবরোধ থাকার পরও কোন প্রদেশ থেকে তাকে রক্ষার জন্য এগিয়ে আসেনি কোন গর্ভনর ।

হয়রত উসমানকে নৃসংসভাবে খুন করার পর মুসলমানদের মধ্যে যে গৃহযুদ্ধ বাধে তাতে ৯০ হাজার মুসলমান মারা যান। এটাই ছিল মুসলমানদের নিজেদের মধ্যে সবচেয়ে বড় নৃশংসতার ঘটনা। ইসলামের যা ‘প্রথম ফিতনা’ নামে পরিচিত ।

ইসলামের এমন এক ভয়াবহ সংকটকালে তৃতীয় খলীফার মৃত্যু পাঁচদিন পর মুসলিম উম্মাহর প্রধান হন আলী ইবনে আবু তালিব।

আরো পড়ুন : খলিফা আলী হত্যাকান্ড কেন এবং কিভাবে?

খলিফা হত্যাকাণ্ড: ইসলামের রক্তাক্ত ইতিহাস

চার খলিফা নির্ধারণ: ইসলামের সংঘাত ও অর্জনের ২৯ বছর !

ভিডিও সৌজন্য : Banglabox

৫,৭১০ thoughts on “খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ

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    I have a very good uncanny feeling I found out exactly what I needed.
    I most indubitably will make sure to don?t disregard
    this site and give it a look regularly.

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    best way by which you are saying it. You’re making it enjoyable and you still take care of
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    Appreciate it

  14. Greetings I am so excited I found your blog, I really found you by accident, while I was researching on Yahoo for something else, Regardless I am here now and would
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    love the theme/design), I don’t have time to go through it
    all at the moment but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS
    feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please
    do keep up the superb work.

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    up anything new from right here. I did however expertise
    some technical points using this website, since I experienced to reload the website many times previous to I could get it to load correctly.
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    in google and could damage your high-quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.

    Well I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and could
    look out for much more of your respective intriguing content.

    Make sure you update this again very soon.

  16. I think what you posted was actually very logical. But, what about this?
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    don’t want to tell you how to run your website,
    however what if you added something that makes people desire
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    দেশে is kinda plain. You should peek at Yahoo’s home page and see
    how they create news headlines to grab viewers to click.
    You might try adding a video or a related pic or two to get readers
    interested about everything’ve written. In my opinion, it might
    make your website a little livelier.

  17. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.
    I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some
    time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with
    something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  18. Unquestionably imagine that that you stated. Your favourite reason seemed to be on the
    web the simplest thing to take note of. I say to you, I certainly get irked at
    the same time as other folks consider issues that they just don’t recognize about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as smartly as outlined out the whole thing with no need side effect
    , people could take a signal. Will probably be back to get
    more. Thanks

  19. Hello! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured
    I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa?

    My website covers a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly benefit from each other.

    If you might be interested feel free to send me an e-mail.

    I look forward to hearing from you! Fantastic blog by the way!

  20. Hi would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re using?
    I’m going to start my own blog soon but I’m having a difficult time selecting between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your design and style seems
    different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique.
    P.S Sorry for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  21. First of all I would like to say terrific blog! I had a quick question which
    I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to find out
    how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing.

    I have had difficulty clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out
    there. I do enjoy writing but it just seems like
    the first 10 to 15 minutes tend to be wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or hints?

  22. Hiya! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d figured I’d ask.

    Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa?
    My blog discusses a lot of the same topics as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other.

    If you’re interested feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you!
    Terrific blog by the way!

  23. First off I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like
    to ask if you don’t mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your thoughts prior
    to writing. I have had a hard time clearing my thoughts in getting
    my thoughts out. I truly do take pleasure in writing
    however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes tend
    to be wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas
    or hints? Appreciate it!

  24. Wonderful items from you, man. I have consider your stuff prior to and you’re simply too excellent.
    I actually like what you’ve acquired right here,
    really like what you’re saying and the way by which you assert it.
    You make it enjoyable and you still take care
    of to keep it sensible. I can not wait to learn much more from you.
    That is really a tremendous website.

  25. Unquestionably consider that that you said. Your favourite reason appeared
    to be at the net the easiest thing to consider of.

    I say to you, I certainly get annoyed whilst folks consider worries that they plainly don’t recognize about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as smartly
    as defined out the entire thing without having side effect , people can take a signal.
    Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  26. Hello! I understand this is sort of off-topic however I had to ask.
    Does building a well-established website such as yours take a lot of work?
    I am completely new to operating a blog but I do write in my diary every day.

    I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my experience
    and views online. Please let me know if you have any ideas
    or tips for new aspiring bloggers. Appreciate it!

  27. Fantastic goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too excellent.
    I actually like what you have acquired here, really like
    what you are saying and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining
    and you still care for to keep it sensible. I can not wait to
    read far more from you. This is actually a wonderful website.

  28. Good day I am so happy I found your blog page, I really found you
    by mistake, while I was researching on Digg for
    something else, Anyhow I am here now and would just like to say kudos for a marvelous post and a all round interesting
    blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to go through it all at the minute but
    I have bookmarked it and also added your RSS feeds, so
    when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the fantastic work.

  29. What i don’t understood is in reality how you’re not really much more smartly-preferred
    than you might be right now. You’re so intelligent. You realize thus significantly when it comes to this subject, made me personally consider it from so many various angles.

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  32. There are certainly loads of details that way take into consideration. This is a excellent denote retrieve. I provide the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly you will discover questions including the one you retrieve the place that the most crucial factor is going to be in honest great faith. I don?t know if guidelines have emerged around things like that, but Almost certainly your job is clearly recognized as a reasonable game. Both kids glance at the impact of simply a moment’s pleasure, for the remainder of their lives.

  33. There are definitely a great deal of information like that to think about. That is an excellent point to raise. I offer the ideas over as basic motivation yet plainly there are questions like the one you raise where one of the most vital thing will certainly be operating in straightforward good faith. I don?t know if best practices have actually emerged around things like that, however I make certain that your work is clearly identified as a level playing field. Both young boys and also girls really feel the influence of simply a moment?s satisfaction, for the rest of their lives.

  34. There are certainly loads of details that way take into consideration. This is a excellent denote retrieve. I provide the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly you will discover questions including the one you retrieve the place that the most crucial factor is going to be in honest great faith. I don?t know if guidelines have emerged around things like that, but Almost certainly your job is clearly recognized as a reasonable game. Both kids glance at the impact of simply a moment’s pleasure, for the remainder of their lives.

  35. There are certainly loads of details that way take into consideration. This is a excellent denote retrieve. I provide the thoughts above as general inspiration but clearly you will discover questions including the one you retrieve the place that the most crucial factor is going to be in honest great faith. I don?t know if guidelines have emerged around things like that, but Almost certainly your job is clearly recognized as a reasonable game. Both kids glance at the impact of simply a moment’s pleasure, for the remainder of their lives.

  36. Great items from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff prior to and
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    got here, certainly like what you are stating
    and the best way wherein you are saying it. You make it entertaining and you continue
    to take care of to keep it smart. I can not wait
    to read much more from you. This is actually a great website.

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    very just right uncanny feeling I found out just what I needed.
    I most surely will make certain to don?t forget this website and
    provides it a look on a continuing basis.

  38. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest
    twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like
    this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with
    something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  39. Wonderful goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you’re just extremely great.
    I really like what you’ve received right here, really like what you’re saying
    and the way during which you are saying it. You’re making it enjoyable and you
    continue to care for to stay it sensible. I can’t wait to read
    far more from you. That is actually a tremendous website.

  40. Magnificent goods from you, man. I have remember your
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    you have bought right here, really like what you’re stating
    and the way through which you are saying it. You make it entertaining and you continue to care for to stay it wise.
    I can not wait to read much more from you.
    This is actually a terrific web site.

  41. Hey there I am so delighted I found your blog page,
    I really found you by mistake, while I was researching on Digg for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a incredible post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love the
    theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all at the moment but I have bookmarked it and also added your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please
    do keep up the fantastic work.

  42. Undeniably consider that which you said. Your favourite reason seemed to be on the net the easiest thing to take note
    of. I say to you, I definitely get irked whilst folks consider concerns that they plainly do not recognize about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects
    , folks could take a signal. Will probably be again to get more.

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  44. With havin so much content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or
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    content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is popping it up
    all over the web without my authorization. Do you know any techniques to help reduce content from being
    ripped off? I’d really appreciate it.

  45. First of all I want to say wonderful blog! I had a quick question in which
    I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your mind
    before writing. I have had a difficult time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out there.

    I do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally wasted simply
    just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or hints?
    Thank you!

  46. What i don’t realize is actually how you are now not actually
    much more smartly-favored than you might be right now.
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    At all times take care of it up!

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    on the web the simplest thing to be aware of.
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    worries that they plainly do not know about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people could take a
    signal. Will probably be back to get more.


  48. My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on a number of websites for about a year and am worried about switching to another platform.

    I have heard good things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress content into it?
    Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!

  49. My coder is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a variety
    of websites for about a year and am worried about switching
    to another platform. I have heard very good things about blogengine.net.
    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress content into it?

    Any help would be really appreciated!

  50. Unquestionably believe that that you stated. Your favorite reason seemed
    to be on the web the easiest thing to take into account
    of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while other folks consider issues that they plainly don’t
    know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top
    and also outlined out the entire thing without having side effect , folks can take a
    signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  51. Hey would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with?
    I’m looking to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a tough time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs
    and I’m looking for something completely unique.
    P.S My apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  52. Good day I am so excited I found your site, I really found you by mistake,
    while I was searching on Bing for something else, Anyways
    I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a fantastic post and
    a all round thrilling blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to read
    it all at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to
    read a lot more, Please do keep up the fantastic work.

  53. First of all I want to say great blog! I had a quick question which
    I’d like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to know how
    you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing.
    I’ve had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out there.
    I truly do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are
    wasted just trying to figure out how to begin.
    Any ideas or hints? Thank you!

  54. My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the
    costs. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on various websites for about a year and am
    nervous about switching to another platform. I have heard great things about
    blogengine.net. Is there a way I can import all my wordpress
    posts into it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

  55. Heya! I know this is sort of off-topic however I needed to ask.
    Does building a well-established blog like yours take a massive amount work?
    I am brand new to blogging but I do write in my
    diary every day. I’d like to start a blog so I can share my experience and feelings online.
    Please let me know if you have any kind of suggestions or tips for new aspiring blog owners.
    Appreciate it!

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    more of your respective interesting content. Make
    sure you update this again very soon.

  62. Definitely imagine that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the web the easiest thing to have in mind of.
    I say to you, I definitely get annoyed at the same time as other people
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    You managed to hit the nail upon the highest and defined out the whole thing
    with no need side effect , other people can take a
    signal. Will probably be again to get more.
    Thank you

  63. Hey there would you mind stating which blog platform you’re working with?
    I’m planning to start my own blog soon but I’m having a tough time making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for
    something completely unique. P.S Apologies for being off-topic but I had
    to ask!

  64. Hey there! I understand this is somewhat off-topic
    however I had to ask. Does building a well-established blog like yours require a large amount
    of work? I’m completely new to running a blog however I do write in my journal daily.
    I’d like to start a blog so I can easily share my personal experience and views online.
    Please let me know if you have any kind of suggestions or tips for brand new
    aspiring bloggers. Thankyou!

  65. hello there and thank you for your information – I’ve definitely
    picked up anything new from right here. I did however expertise some technical issues using this
    website, as I experienced to reload the web site lots of times previous to I could
    get it to load correctly. I had been wondering if
    your web host is OK? Not that I am complaining, but sluggish loading instances times will often affect
    your placement in google and could damage your quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and could
    look out for much more of your respective intriguing content.
    Make sure you update this again soon.

  66. I’ve been exploring for a little for any high-quality articles or weblog
    posts on this kind of space . Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this site.
    Reading this info So i’m glad to convey that I’ve a very good uncanny feeling I found out exactly what I needed.

    I most definitely will make sure to don?t fail to remember
    this web site and provides it a look on a constant basis.

  67. My coder is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on several websites for about a year and am worried
    about switching to another platform. I have heard excellent things about blogengine.net.
    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into
    it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

  68. Definitely imagine that which you stated. Your favourite justification appeared to be at the net the easiest thing to bear
    in mind of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed at the same time as folks think about issues that they just do not understand
    about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest and also defined out the whole thing without having
    side-effects , people could take a signal.
    Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

  69. First of all I want to say terrific blog! I
    had a quick question which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind.
    I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your thoughts prior to
    writing. I have had a hard time clearing my thoughts in getting
    my ideas out. I do enjoy writing however it just seems like
    the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any
    recommendations or tips? Thanks!

  70. Hey there! I know this is somewhat off-topic however I needed to ask.
    Does managing a well-established website like yours take a massive amount work?
    I am completely new to writing a blog but I do write in my diary everyday.
    I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my experience and thoughts online.
    Please let me know if you have any kind of recommendations
    or tips for new aspiring blog owners. Appreciate it!

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  72. Hello there! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d
    figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or
    maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa?
    My site goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel we could greatly
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    Studying this information So i’m happy to exhibit that I’ve an incredibly good uncanny feeling I came upon just what I needed.
    I so much unquestionably will make certain to don?t put out
    of your mind this site and provides it a glance regularly.

  74. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
    of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my
    newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this
    for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this.
    Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading
    your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  75. Hiya! I know this is kinda off topic however ,
    I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa?

    My blog addresses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other.
    If you happen to be interested feel free to shoot me an email.

    I look forward to hearing from you! Excellent blog by the way!

  76. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
    of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically
    tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like
    this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience
    with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  77. hey there and thank you for your info – I’ve certainly picked up something new from right here.
    I did however expertise some technical issues using this
    site, since I experienced to reload the site many times previous to I could get it to load properly.
    I had been wondering if your hosting is OK? Not that
    I am complaining, but sluggish loading instances times will
    often affect your placement in google and can damage your high-quality score if ads
    and marketing with Adwords. Anyway I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and could
    look out for a lot more of your respective exciting content.

    Ensure that you update this again soon.

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  79. Hi there I am so glad I found your blog, I really found you by error, while I was researching on Yahoo for something else, Regardless I am here now
    and would just like to say thanks a lot for a incredible post
    and a all round interesting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to read it all at the moment but I have
    book-marked it and also added your RSS feeds,
    so when I have time I will be back to read much
    more, Please do keep up the excellent work.

  80. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
    of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.
    I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping
    maybe you would have some experience with something like this.
    Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy
    reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  81. Magnificent items from you, man. I’ve bear in mind your stuff previous to and you’re just extremely great.

    I actually like what you have acquired here, certainly
    like what you are stating and the best way in which you say it.
    You are making it enjoyable and you continue to care
    for to stay it sensible. I can’t wait to read far more from you.
    That is actually a tremendous website.

  82. Magnificent goods from you, man. I’ve remember your
    stuff previous to and you are just too magnificent.

    I really like what you have got right here, really like what you’re saying and the
    best way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still care for to keep it smart.

    I can not wait to learn much more from you. That is actually a wonderful web site.

  83. Hey there! I realize this is somewhat off-topic however I had
    to ask. Does building a well-established website such as yours take a massive amount work?
    I’m brand new to operating a blog however I do write in my journal every day.
    I’d like to start a blog so I can easily share
    my personal experience and feelings online. Please let me know if you have any recommendations
    or tips for brand new aspiring bloggers. Appreciate it!

  84. Excellent goods from you, man. I have keep in mind your stuff
    prior to and you’re just extremely great. I really like what you have bought here, really like what you’re saying and the way in which through which you say it.
    You are making it entertaining and you still take care
    of to keep it sensible. I can’t wait to learn far more from you.
    This is actually a terrific site.

  85. hello there and thank you for your information – I have
    certainly picked up anything new from right here. I
    did however expertise some technical points using this web site, since I experienced to reload
    the site many times previous to I could get it to load
    properly. I had been wondering if your hosting is OK? Not that I am complaining, but slow loading instances times will sometimes affect your placement in google and could damage your
    quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.

    Well I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and could look out for
    much more of your respective interesting content.
    Ensure that you update this again soon.

  86. My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses. But he’s tryiong none the less.
    I’ve been using WordPress on various websites for
    about a year and am worried about switching to
    another platform. I have heard excellent things about blogengine.net.

    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress
    posts into it? Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

  87. My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.

    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a number of websites for about a year and am nervous about switching
    to another platform. I have heard great things about blogengine.net.
    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress content into it?
    Any kind of help would be really appreciated!

  88. hey there and thank you for your info – I have definitely picked up something
    new from right here. I did however expertise a few technical points using this web site, since I experienced to reload the website a lot of times
    previous to I could get it to load correctly. I had been wondering if your hosting is
    OK? Not that I am complaining, but slow loading instances times will often affect your placement in google
    and can damage your high-quality score if ads and marketing
    with Adwords. Anyway I am adding this RSS to my e-mail and can look
    out for much more of your respective intriguing content.
    Make sure you update this again very soon.

  89. hello there and thank you for your information – I have definitely picked up something new from right here.
    I did however expertise a few technical issues using this site, since I experienced to
    reload the website lots of times previous to I could get it to load properly.
    I had been wondering if your web hosting is OK? Not that I
    am complaining, but slow loading instances times
    will sometimes affect your placement in google and
    could damage your high quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my email and could look
    out for a lot more of your respective fascinating content.
    Make sure you update this again soon.

  90. Undeniably consider that that you said. Your favorite reason seemed
    to be at the net the easiest thing to take note of. I say to you, I certainly get irked even as
    folks consider concerns that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the entire thing with no need side effect , people could take a signal.
    Will likely be again to get more. Thanks

  91. Hi would you mind stating which blog platform you’re using?
    I’m planning to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a difficult
    time making a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your layout seems different then most blogs
    and I’m looking for something completely unique.
    P.S My apologies for being off-topic but I had to ask!

  92. Hello would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with?
    I’m going to start my own blog soon but I’m having a difficult
    time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.

    The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique.
    P.S Sorry for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  93. Howdy! I know this is kinda off topic however , I’d
    figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or
    vice-versa? My site discusses a lot of the same topics
    as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other.

    If you’re interested feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing
    from you! Wonderful blog by the way!

  94. With havin so much written content do you ever run into any problems
    of plagorism or copyright violation? My site has a lot of exclusive content I’ve either authored myself or outsourced but it looks like a lot of it is
    popping it up all over the web without my permission. Do you know any techniques to help reduce content from being stolen? I’d genuinely appreciate

  95. Greetings I am so delighted I found your blog page, I really found you
    by accident, while I was browsing on Askjeeve for something else, Regardless I
    am here now and would just like to say thank you for a incredible post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love
    the theme/design), I don’t have time to browse it
    all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time
    I will be back to read much more, Please do keep up the
    fantastic b.

  96. My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.

    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on a number of websites for about a year and am anxious about switching to another platform.
    I have heard excellent things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress posts into it?

    Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!

  97. Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the web the simplest thing to be aware of.
    I say to you, I definitely get irked while people think about worries that they plainly don’t know about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people
    could take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  98. First of all I would like to say fantastic
    blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you do not mind.

    I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing.
    I’ve had a hard time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out.
    I do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are generally lost just trying
    to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips? Thanks!

  99. Undeniably believe that that you said. Your favourite justification appeared to be
    at the internet the easiest factor to consider
    of. I say to you, I definitely get irked whilst people think
    about concerns that they plainly don’t understand about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined
    out the entire thing without having side effect , people can take a signal.
    Will likely be again to get more. Thanks

  100. Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite reason appeared to be on the net the easiest thing to be aware of.
    I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they just don’t know about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing
    without having side-effects , people could take a signal.

    Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  101. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to
    my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.

    I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would
    have some experience with something like this.
    Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new

  102. Hey there I am so excited I found your blog, I really found you by accident, while I was browsing on Bing for something else,
    Anyhow I am here now and would just like
    to say kudos for a tremendous post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love
    the theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all
    at the minute but I have bookmarked it and also added your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please do keep
    up the superb b.

  103. Fantastic goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to
    and you are just extremely magnificent. I actually like
    what you’ve acquired here, certainly like what you’re saying and the way in which you say it.

    You make it entertaining and you still care for to keep it wise.

    I cant wait to read much more from you. This is really a wonderful site.

  104. Excellent goods from you, man. I’ve understand
    your stuff previous to and you are just too fantastic.

    I really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it.

    You make it entertaining and you still care for to keep it smart.
    I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually
    a terrific web site.

  105. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
    of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.
    I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would
    have some experience with something like this.

    Please let me know if you run into anything. I truly enjoy
    reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  106. I have been exploring for a little bit for any
    high-quality articles or blog posts on this
    sort of space . Exploring in Yahoo I ultimately stumbled
    upon this site. Studying this info So i’m happy to exhibit
    that I’ve an incredibly good uncanny feeling I found out just what I needed.
    I such a lot undoubtedly will make sure to do not omit this
    site and give it a glance regularly.

  107. First off I want to say fantastic blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if
    you do not mind. I was interested to know how you center yourself
    and clear your thoughts prior to writing. I’ve had difficulty clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out.
    I do enjoy writing however it just seems like the first 10 to
    15 minutes are usually lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas
    or hints? Thanks!

  108. My developer is trying to convince me to move to .net
    from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on numerous websites for about a year and am worried about
    switching to another platform. I have heard fantastic things about
    blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer all my wordpress content into it?

    Any help would be really appreciated!

  109. hey there and thank you for your information – I’ve certainly picked up
    something new from right here. I did however expertise several
    technical issues using this site, since I experienced to reload the website many times previous
    to I could get it to load properly. I had been wondering if your hosting is OK?
    Not that I am complaining, but slow loading instances times
    will often affect your placement in google
    and could damage your high-quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my email and can look out for
    much more of your respective fascinating content.
    Ensure that you update this again very soon.

  110. My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on a number of websites
    for about a year and am worried about switching to another
    platform. I have heard very good things about blogengine.net.
    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into it?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  111. hello there and thank you for your information – I’ve definitely picked up anything new from
    right here. I did however expertise several technical points using this web
    site, since I experienced to reload the site
    lots of times previous to I could get it to
    load correctly. I had been wondering if your web hosting is OK?
    Not that I am complaining, but sluggish loading instances times will often affect your placement in google and could damage your high-quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
    Well I’m adding this RSS to my email and can look out for much more of your respective intriguing content.
    Make sure you update this again soon.

  112. I’ve been exploring for a bit for any high-quality articles or blog posts in this sort
    of house . Exploring in Yahoo I eventually stumbled upon this web site.
    Studying this info So i am satisfied to express that I’ve a very excellent uncanny feeling I discovered just what I needed.
    I so much surely will make certain to do not disregard
    this site and give it a look on a constant basis.

  113. Unquestionably believe that that you said. Your favorite justification seemed to be at the web the easiest
    thing to understand of. I say to you, I definitely get irked whilst
    other folks consider issues that they just don’t understand about.

    You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as smartly as outlined out the entire thing with no need side-effects , other people can take a signal.
    Will likely be again to get more. Thank you

  114. I think what you posted was actually very logical.
    But, consider this, what if you added a little information? I mean, I don’t wish to tell you how to run your website, however what if you added a headline that grabbed folk’s attention? I mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও
    মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে is kinda plain. You might look at Yahoo’s front
    page and watch how they write article headlines to
    grab viewers to open the links. You might try adding a video or a pic or two to
    grab people interested about everything’ve got to say. In my opinion, it might bring your posts a little livelier.

  115. First of all I want to say great blog! I had
    a quick question which I’d like to ask if you do not mind.
    I was interested to know how you center yourself and clear your
    mind before writing. I have had trouble clearing my mind in getting my ideas out there.
    I truly do take pleasure in writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost just trying
    to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or hints? Cheers!

  116. Wonderful goods from you, man. I’ve have in mind your stuff previous to and you’re simply too magnificent.
    I really like what you have received right here, really like what you’re stating and the best way wherein you are
    saying it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it
    wise. I can not wait to read much more from you.
    This is actually a tremendous web site.

  117. Undeniably believe that which you said. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the web the simplest thing to be aware of.
    I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the
    whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal.
    Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  118. Hey I am so grateful I found your blog page, I really found you by mistake, while I was
    searching on Yahoo for something else, Anyways I
    am here now and would just like to say thank you for a tremendous post and a all round interesting blog (I also love the
    theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all
    at the moment but I have book-marked it and also added your
    RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read
    a lot more, Please do keep up the superb b.

  119. Everything published made a ton of sense. But, think about this, what if you composed a catchier
    title? I am not suggesting your information isn’t good, however what if you added something that grabbed folk’s
    attention? I mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও
    মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে is a little boring.
    You should peek at Yahoo’s home page and see how they write article
    headlines to get viewers to click. You might try adding a video or a pic
    or two to grab readers interested about what you’ve got
    to say. Just my opinion, it would bring your blog a little
    bit more interesting.

  120. Good day I am so thrilled I found your blog page, I really found you by error, while I was looking on Bing
    for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for
    a fantastic post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t
    have time to browse it all at the moment but I have saved it and
    also added your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will
    be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the excellent

  121. Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite
    reason seemed to be on the net the easiest thing to be aware of.
    I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people think about worries that they plainly don’t know about.

    You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out
    the whole thing without having side effect , people
    could take a signal. Will probably be back to get more.

  122. What i do not understood is in truth how you’re no longer
    actually a lot more well-favored than you might be right now.
    You’re so intelligent. You already know thus significantly
    on the subject of this matter, made me in my view believe it from a lot of numerous angles.

    Its like men and women are not involved until it’s one thing to accomplish with Woman gaga!

    Your individual stuffs great. At all times deal with it up!

  123. Undeniably imagine that which you stated. Your favourite reason seemed to be at the web the easiest thing to consider of.
    I say to you, I definitely get irked at the same time as other folks
    consider issues that they plainly don’t know about. You
    controlled to hit the nail upon the top and outlined
    out the entire thing with no need side effect , folks could take a signal.

    Will likely be back to get more. Thank you

  124. My coder is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a variety of
    websites for about a year and am anxious about
    switching to another platform. I have heard
    fantastic things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can transfer
    all my wordpress posts into it? Any help would be
    greatly appreciated!

  125. Hey! I understand this is sort of off-topic however
    I had to ask. Does managing a well-established website like yours take a massive amount work?
    I am brand new to blogging but I do write in my diary every day.
    I’d like to start a blog so I can easily share my
    experience and thoughts online. Please let me know if you have any recommendations or tips for brand new
    aspiring blog owners. Appreciate it!

  126. Definitely imagine that that you stated. Your favorite justification appeared to be
    on the internet the simplest thing to understand
    of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed at the same time as other people consider
    issues that they plainly don’t understand about. You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest and outlined out the entire thing with no need side effect , people could take a signal.

    Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  127. Hey there! I understand this is kind of off-topic however I needed to ask.

    Does managing a well-established blog such as yours take a large
    amount of work? I’m completely new to operating a blog however I
    do write in my diary every day. I’d like to start a blog so I can share my own experience and views online.
    Please let me know if you have any kind of recommendations or tips for brand new aspiring blog owners.
    Appreciate it!

  128. Hello there, I discovered your blog by means of Google even as searching
    for a similar topic, your site came up, it appears good.

    I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.
    Hello there, simply was alert to your weblog through Google, and located that it’s truly informative.
    I’m going to be careful for brussels. I will be grateful should you proceed this
    in future. Lots of other folks will be benefited out of your writing.

  129. I have been exploring for a bit for any high-quality articles or weblog posts
    on this sort of area . Exploring in Yahoo I finally stumbled upon this site.

    Studying this info So i am satisfied to show that I have an incredibly excellent uncanny feeling I found out just what
    I needed. I such a lot indisputably will make certain to don?t forget this website and
    provides it a look on a continuing basis.

  130. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog
    that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a
    plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with something like this.
    Please let me know if you run into anything.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  131. Unquestionably consider that which you stated. Your favorite justification appeared to be at the web the
    easiest thing to take note of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed at the same time
    as other people think about concerns that they just do not know about.

    You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest and also defined out the whole thing with
    no need side-effects , people can take a signal.
    Will probably be back to get more. Thank you

  132. hello there and thank you for your information – I have definitely picked up anything new from right here.
    I did however expertise some technical issues using this web site, since I
    experienced to reload the web site a lot of times previous to I
    could get it to load properly. I had been wondering
    if your web host is OK? Not that I’m complaining, but slow loading
    instances times will very frequently affect your placement
    in google and could damage your high quality score if advertising and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my email and can look out
    for a lot more of your respective interesting content. Make sure
    you update this again very soon.

  133. First off I would like to say superb blog!
    I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you don’t mind.

    I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your head prior to
    writing. I have had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my ideas out.
    I truly do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any ideas or tips?
    Appreciate it!

  134. Definitely believe that which you said. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the internet the simplest thing to be aware
    of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people think about worries that they just
    don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top
    as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take
    a signal. Will likely be back to get more.

  135. With havin so much written content do you ever run into any problems of plagorism or copyright infringement?

    My website has a lot of exclusive content I’ve either written myself or outsourced but it appears a lot of it is popping it up all over
    the web without my authorization. Do you know any techniques to
    help prevent content from being ripped off? I’d really appreciate it.

  136. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew
    of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest
    twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some
    time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience
    with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.

    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  137. Hi I am so thrilled I found your web site, I really found
    you by accident, while I was browsing on Yahoo for something else,
    Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a marvelous post and a all round entertaining blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to read through it all
    at the moment but I have bookmarked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back
    to read more, Please do keep up the fantastic job.

  138. hey there and thank you for your info – I have definitely picked up something new from right here.

    I did however expertise a few technical issues using this web site,
    as I experienced to reload the web site many times previous to I could get it to load properly.
    I had been wondering if your web hosting is OK?
    Not that I’m complaining, but sluggish loading
    instances times will often affect your placement in google and can damage
    your quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my email and could look out for a lot more
    of your respective intriguing content. Make sure you update this
    again soon.

  139. What i don’t understood is actually how you are no longer actually a lot more well-appreciated than you may be right now.
    You’re so intelligent. You understand therefore considerably with
    regards to this topic, made me in my view consider it from so many varied angles.
    Its like men and women aren’t fascinated until it is one thing to accomplish with Woman gaga!
    Your personal stuffs excellent. Always care for it

  140. Good day I am so glad I found your blog page,
    I really found you by mistake, while I was
    searching on Bing for something else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a fantastic post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design), I
    don’t have time to browse it all at the minute but
    I have saved it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time
    I will be back to read more, Please do keep up the
    awesome job.

  141. What i do not understood is in truth how you’re now not actually a lot
    more neatly-favored than you might be now. You are so intelligent.
    You already know therefore significantly with regards to this topic, produced me in my view imagine
    it from so many varied angles. Its like women and men are not interested
    unless it is one thing to do with Lady gaga! Your own stuffs great.
    At all times care for it up!

  142. hey there and thank you for your info – I’ve
    definitely picked up something new from right here.
    I did however expertise several technical
    points using this web site, as I experienced
    to reload the site a lot of times previous to I could
    get it to load correctly. I had been wondering if your hosting is OK?
    Not that I’m complaining, but sluggish loading instances times will sometimes affect your placement in google and can damage your high
    quality score if ads and marketing with Adwords.
    Anyway I’m adding this RSS to my email and could look out for much more of your respective interesting content.
    Ensure that you update this again soon.

  143. I believe what you published was actually very reasonable.
    However, think on this, suppose you were to create
    a awesome post title? I ain’t saying your information is not solid., however suppose
    you added a headline to maybe get a person’s attention? I
    mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে is a little boring.
    You should peek at Yahoo’s front page and see how they
    create news headlines to get people to open the links. You might
    add a video or a picture or two to grab people interested about everything’ve got to say.
    Just my opinion, it could make your website a little bit more interesting.

  144. Undeniably believe that which you said. Your favorite reason appeared to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware
    of. I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people consider
    worries that they just do not know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people could take a signal.
    Will likely be back to get more. Thanks

  145. I’ve been exploring for a little bit for any high-quality articles or blog posts on this sort of house .
    Exploring in Yahoo I ultimately stumbled upon this website.
    Reading this information So i’m glad to exhibit that I’ve an incredibly excellent uncanny feeling I came upon exactly what
    I needed. I such a lot unquestionably will make certain to
    don?t omit this web site and give it a glance regularly.

  146. Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic but
    I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or
    maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? My
    site discusses a lot of the same topics as yours and I feel
    we could greatly benefit from each other. If you
    might be interested feel free to shoot me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!
    Fantastic blog by the way!

  147. My programmer is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
    I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a number of websites for about a year and am concerned about switching to another platform.
    I have heard good things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into it?
    Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!

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    of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider
    worries that they plainly don’t know about. You
    managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people can take a signal.
    Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  149. My programmer is trying to persuade me to move to
    .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.

    But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using Movable-type on a number of websites for
    about a year and am anxious about switching to another platform.
    I have heard great things about blogengine.net.

    Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into it?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  150. Hello! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask.
    Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog
    article or vice-versa? My blog goes over a lot of the
    same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other.
    If you happen to be interested feel free to shoot me an email.
    I look forward to hearing from you! Great blog by the way!

  151. Heya! I understand this is somewhat off-topic but I
    had to ask. Does building a well-established website like yours take a lot of work?
    I’m brand new to running a blog but I do write in my diary every day.
    I’d like to start a blog so I can easily share my personal experience and
    feelings online. Please let me know if you have any kind of suggestions or tips for new
    aspiring bloggers. Thankyou!

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  155. What you said made a great deal of sense. But, think about this, suppose you composed
    a catchier title? I am not saying your content isn’t good, but
    what if you added a headline that makes people desire more?
    I mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে is a little plain. You should look at Yahoo’s home page and see how they write article headlines
    to grab people to open the links. You might add a video or a
    related pic or two to get people excited about everything’ve got to say.
    Just my opinion, it would make your website a little livelier.

  156. Hey there! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d figured I’d ask.

    Would you be interested in exchanging links or
    maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My website
    discusses a lot of the same topics as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other.
    If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an email.
    I look forward to hearing from you! Awesome blog by the way!

  157. First off I would like to say fantastic blog! I had a quick question that I’d
    like to ask if you don’t mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your mind before writing.
    I have had trouble clearing my mind in getting my ideas out.
    I truly do take pleasure in writing but it
    just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Any suggestions or hints?
    Many thanks!

  158. Hi I am so grateful I found your blog, I really found you by accident, while I was searching on Askjeeve for something else, Nonetheless
    I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a remarkable post and a all
    round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to read it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also
    added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I
    will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the great

  159. Magnificent items from you, man. I’ve keep in mind your stuff prior to and you are just
    extremely great. I really like what you’ve acquired here,
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    I’ve had difficulty clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there.
    I truly do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like
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    Appreciate it!

  165. I believe what you published made a ton of sense.
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    I mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও
    মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ –
    আলোর দেশে is kinda plain. You might look
    at Yahoo’s front page and see how they create article titles to get people
    interested. You might add a related video or a pic or two
    to get people excited about what you’ve written. Just my
    opinion, it would bring your posts a little livelier.

  166. Hi I am so delighted I found your site, I really found you by mistake,
    while I was searching on Yahoo for something
    else, Nonetheless I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a tremendous post and
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    so when I have time I will be back to read more, Please do keep up the
    great b.

  167. First of all I would like to say great blog! I had a quick question which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind.
    I was curious to find out how you center yourself and clear your head before writing.
    I have had difficulty clearing my mind in getting my
    thoughts out. I truly do take pleasure in writing
    however it just seems like the first 10 to
    15 minutes are wasted just trying to figure out how to
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  168. Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found a sea
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    to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it
    pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is
    entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!

  169. I think that everything said was very reasonable.

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    title? I am not suggesting your content is not good, but suppose you
    added a headline that grabbed people’s attention? I mean খলিফা উসমান হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে is kinda plain. You should glance at Yahoo’s home page and note how they
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    You might add a related video or a picture or two to grab readers
    excited about everything’ve written. In my opinion, it would
    make your website a little bit more interesting.

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    clear your head before writing. I’ve had a tough time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out.
    I do take pleasure in writing but it just seems like the
    first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost just trying to figure out how to begin. Any
    ideas or tips? Thank you!

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    found you by accident, while I was browsing on Digg for something else, Anyhow I am
    here now and would just like to say thanks for a fantastic post and a
    all round entertaining blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time
    to read it all at the moment but I have book-marked it and also
    added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be
    back to read more, Please do keep up the great work.

  175. Hey! I know this is somewhat off-topic but I had to ask.
    Does running a well-established website like yours require a large amount of work?
    I am completely new to operating a blog but I do
    write in my diary daily. I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my personal experience and views online.
    Please let me know if you have any suggestions or tips for new aspiring bloggers.
    Appreciate it!

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    I’ve certainly picked up something new from right here.

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    Anyway I am adding this RSS to my email and can look out for much more of your respective exciting content.
    Ensure that you update this again soon.

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    several technical issues using this site, as I experienced to reload
    the web site many times previous to I could get
    it to load properly. I had been wondering if your web host is OK?
    Not that I’m complaining, but slow loading instances times will very frequently affect your placement in google and could damage your quality score if advertising and marketing
    with Adwords. Well I am adding this RSS to my email and can look out for much more of your respective exciting content.
    Make sure you update this again soon.

  178. Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering
    if you knew of any widgets I could add to my blog that automatically
    tweet my newest twitter updates. I’ve been looking for a plug-in like
    this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have some experience with
    something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.

    I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.

  179. First of all I would like to say terrific blog!
    I had a quick question that I’d like to ask if you do not mind.
    I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your thoughts before writing.

    I’ve had a hard time clearing my thoughts in getting my thoughts out.
    I do enjoy writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost simply just trying
    to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or
    hints? Many thanks!

  180. I think what you said was actually very reasonable. However, what
    about this? what if you composed a catchier post title?
    I mean, I don’t want to tell you how to run your website, but suppose
    you added something that grabbed folk’s attention? I mean খলিফা উসমান
    হত্যাকান্ড ও মুসলমানের গৃহযুদ্ধ – আলোর দেশে
    is a little vanilla. You might peek at Yahoo’s front page and see how they create post
    headlines to grab people to open the links. You might add
    a related video or a related picture or two to get readers excited about
    everything’ve got to say. Just my opinion, it would bring your posts a little bit more

  181. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three emails with the same comment.
    Is there any way you can remove me from that
    service? Thanks!

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  182. Definitely believe that which you said. Your favorite reason seemed to be on the net the easiest thing to be aware of.
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    about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people could take a signal.
    Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  183. Hi there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured
    I’d ask. Would you be interested in trading links or maybe guest authoring a blog article
    or vice-versa? My blog discusses a lot of the same subjects as yours and I feel
    we could greatly benefit from each other. If you are
    interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you!
    Wonderful blog by the way!

  184. Hello would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re using?
    I’m going to start my own blog soon but I’m having a tough time making
    a decision between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
    The reason I ask is because your design seems different
    then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely
    unique. P.S My apologies for getting off-topic but I had to

  185. Unquestionably believe that which you stated.
    Your favorite reason appeared to be on the web the easiest
    thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about.
    You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also
    defined out the whole thing without having side effect ,
    people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more.

  186. Wonderful goods from you, man. I have bear in mind your stuff prior to and you are simply extremely magnificent.

    I really like what you have got right here, really like what you’re
    saying and the way in which you are saying it. You
    are making it entertaining and you continue to take care of to keep it sensible.
    I can not wait to read much more from you.
    That is actually a tremendous web site.

  187. Today, I went to the beach with my kids. I found a sea shell and gave
    it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She put the shell to her ear
    and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.

    She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is totally off topic
    but I had to tell someone!

  188. بازی مافیا یک بازی گروهی است که در آن
    یک اکثریت ناآگاه در قالب گروه شهروندی و یک اقلیت آگاه
    به عنوان گروه مافیایی بازی در آن با یکدیگر به رقابت میپردازند.
    بازی در دو فاز روز و شب در جریان
    خواهد بود در نوبت روز همه شرکت
    کنندگان با یکدیگر به گفتگو میپردازند و تیم شهروندی باید از میان سخنان مطرح شده از سوی شرکت کنندگان در بازی، مافیای بازی را تشخیص دهند و با اکثریت آرا رای به اعدام
    اعضاء مافیا دهند.

    اما در فاز شب اعضای مافیا با یکدیگر
    بیدار میشوند و با مشورت با یکدیگر، هر شب اقدام به کشتن یکی از
    اعضای تیم شهروندان میکنند در این بین بخشی
    از شهروندان نیز در فاز شب به ایفای نقش خواهند پرداخت و
    بسته به قابلیت های نقش خود میتوانند به شناسایی و
    جلوگیری از اقدامات تیم مافیایی بپردازند و به
    شهر در شناسایی تیم مافیا کمک کنند.

    شهروندان با شناسایی و بیرون کردن همه اعضای مافیا برنده بازی خواهند شد و
    اعضای مافیا زمانی که تعدادشان با اعضای شهر برابر شود برنده بازی
    خواهند بود.

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    longer really a lot more smartly-preferred than you might be right now.

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  191. افزونه بازی شب مافیا ” در این بسته تاریک، شخصیت و کارت هاى جدید به بازى اضافه شدند
    ولى به این معنى نیست که بازى پیچیده تر یا سخت تر
    شده. فقط خواستیم حال و هواى تازه اى
    وارد بازى بشه و کمى بازى رو پخته تر کنیم تا دستتون در انتخاب شخصیت و ساخت سناریو هاى ابداعى بازتر بشه.
    کارت هاى جدید هم که اضافه شدند، هر
    کدام به بازیکنان قابلیت هاى خاص
    و تازه اى مى دهند و تعامل بین بازیکنان را بیشتر
    مى کنن.
    ماسک بازی مافیا به جهت افزایش کیفیت بازی مافیا تولید شده.

    این ماسک امکان دیده شدن و تقلب را از هر بازیکنی میگیرد زیرا دارای هیچ روزنهای
    نیست ، همچنین دارای کیفیت مناسب است و به راحتی شکسته نمیشود.

    • دارای وزن کم و کیفیت بالا
    • طول صورت 22
    • عرض صورت 18 سانتی متر
    • طول دسته 12 سانتی متر
    • بازی فکری شب مافیا یک بازی گروهی است که نبرد بین یک اقلیت آگاه و یک اکثریت ناآگاه را شبیهسازی میکند.
    بازیکنان بهطور مخفیانه تعیین نقش میشوند: یا مافیا، که همدیگر را میشناسند؛ یا
    شهروند، که تنها از تعداد
    افراد مافیا آگاه هستند و عده معدودی
    از آنها از برخی نقشها اطلاع دارند.
    در فاز شب بازی، افراد مافیا به صورت مخفیانه یک شهروند را میکشند.
    در طول فاز روز، تمام بازیکنان بازمانده در مورد هویتهای مافیایی بحث میکنند و برای حذف یک مظنون رای میدهند.بازی ادامه مییابد تا زمانی
    که همهٔ مافیاها حذف شوند (برد شهروندان) یا تعداد مافیاها و شهروندان برابر شود (برد مافیا).
    و یا یکی از شخصیتهای مستقل که هر
    کدام شرایط برد متفاوتی دارد برنده بازی شود .
    در یک بازی معمولاً نقشها باید به گونهای چیده شود که برای هر شخصیت، شخصیتهای مقابل و
    مکمل قرار گیرد در ادامه شخصیتها بیان خواهد شد.

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